Wednesday, March 30, 2011


If your looking for promotional material for the upcoming elections...look no further...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

USB Update


Just a quick update on the status of the USB drive market.  The costs on USB drives this week have started to level off after a spike in the costs for USB memory last week.

We will continue to closely monitor the cost and status of the USB Memory and keep you updated.


Monday, March 28, 2011

GREAT Show Specials

Here are some great show specials that we featured at the recent Canadian Special Events Show in Toronto.  Prices are still valid so please do not hesitate to take advantage.

ALSO, check back soon for some GREAT specials on golf balls and proudcts as we get ready for golf season!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear Customers,

Due to the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan last week, the USB memory market has been severely impacted.  A large number of manufacturers of the drives and key drive components are located in Japan and are currently without power and production has come to a complete stop.  As a result of this, pricing for USB memory has jumped as much as 50% within the last 24 hours.

What does this mean for any upcoming USB memory requirements?

Incredible Novelties Inc. does work closely with a reliable USB supplier located in the USA which keeps a significant on hand inventory of over 100 drive styles and memory configurations.  While the costs regularly fluctuate weekly, the pricing over the coming weeks is sure to rise, as the supply becomes less and less.  

Our current USB pricing for the week of March 14th will be valid and honored through March 19, 2011 with no change.  This pricing is consistent with last weeks pricing.  Future pricing is extremely uncertain and will be evaluated weekly based on information from the factories.  

What do we recommend?  If you are expecting to require any flash drives over the course of the near future, I would suggest placing the orders now, before the prices are higher and stock becomes harder to get.

If you have any inquiries or requirements please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.  Our thoughts are with all the affected families in Japan and we hope for a speedy recovery.


Flash Memory Prices Soar after Japan Earthquake!!

Flash Memory Prices Soar After Japan Quake
As rescue and cleanup efforts continue in northern Japan, the impact of last week’s devastating earthquake and tsunami is beginning to be felt in the global economy. Most immediately, the price of Japanese-produced flash memory chips, which are used in items like personal computers, smart phones and USB drives, has risen sharply among fears of a supply shortage. "It will be very difficult for the next week because prices are in such flux," says Lon McGowan, CEO of supplier iClick (asi/62124), which sells USB drives and other memory products in the ad specialty market. "Our factories in China say chips are up anywhere between 30%-50%. We've tried to be as open as we can with our customers. We've already had 1,200 customers come to us with questions."
According to analysts, Japan accounts for 40% of global NAND flash chip production. Toshiba Corporation, the world's second-largest maker of NAND chips after South Korea's Samsung, has halted operations at its plants in areas affected by rolling power outages. Also, Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. and Sumco Corp., which both make silicon wafers needed to produce semiconductors, have temporarily stopped operations because of damage from the earthquake.

Source:  Counselor Magazine (ASI)