Monday, December 6, 2010

QR READY...Are You????

What is a QR Barcode and what’s in it for you?

Have you seen these?
Did you wonder what they are?
Well – what you’re looking at is a QR barcode.

QR stands for “quick response,” and these were actually developed by a Toyota subsidiary in 1994 for the purpose of tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing. Most recently, there has been an explosion in the use of QR barcodes by such industries as the airlines, ticketing, commercial tracking, and marketing, to name a few.
How does this help you?

QR barcodes include an ability to encode text, URL, and other data and it is easily obtained by scanning the barcode with a smartphone (Blackberry, Iphone etc.) Not only can you direct customers to a website, a video, or simple text, but you can continuously change the content of the information that’s scanned – at any time! Once you “own” a barcode it is yours forever (and they are FREE!).
Imagine this;
You receive a tote bag with a gorgeous image of Niagara Falls. Next to that image is a QR barcode. There is a tagline underneath the code that says, “scan this barcode weekly for new deals and discounts in Niagara Falls.” You scan it on a Monday and it takes you to a site that features a 50% discount on a certain hotel chain in Niagara Falls. You scan it again the following week and there’s a free appetizer coupon for dinner atop the revolving restaurant that overlooks the falls. You get the picture… the possibilities are limitless!
How Can I Use These Codes with Our Product Solutions?
We can imprint a QR barcode onto any product that can be imprinted with our PERFECT PRINT decorating process. . The QR barcode can be created by us and included with your logo at no extra cost. Please specify "INCLUDE QR BARCODE" on your PERFECT PRINT order and provide a URL link for the barcode. Additional location running charges, PERFECT PRINT charges and set ups are extra if the QR barcode is to be imprinted in more than one location and/or separate from the master logo.

Mobile Phone Scanning Software
ScanLife - (Multi devices supported)

Blackberry Messenger Scanner, Comes standard with most Blackberry’s

